B&S Massey

I lived the first 20-odd years of my life in a house that was about 100 yards from the South wall of B&S Massey, the dark red brick wall going up Ashton Old Road towards the canal bridge. I was never curious about the firm, what they did or how long they’d been there, it was just Massey’s, and my main memory is of a drop hammer going every ten seconds, all through the day, and when the economy was good, all through the night as well. What was behind the wall was completely unknown to me, and I don’t think I ever met any people who worked there. My parents had a lot of friends, railway people, members of the Loco working men’s club, neighbours on and around Cornwall St, but nobody from Massey’s that I can remember. Even if they had, I doubt that, at that age, I would have been interested of what happened behind the walls.

My only other memory is of a storage yard making the corner of Cornwall St and AOR where they stored what I think were formers for making moulds, very odd shaped constructions of wood, I think. Every now and then a man would appear driving a fork lift truck and take one of these things across AOR to the factory. I assume that they cast the steel formers and then beat them into shape with the drop hammer.

My awareness of the company changed when Keith Hindley, on a post to openshawmemories.uk  mentioned a book about its first hundred years, Sons of the Forge, by Hurford Janes, a book commissioned by Keppel Massey, MD at the time of the centenary.

I managed to find a copy of the book , in surprisingly good condition, and all the material that follows is from the book.


The Massey family came with the Normans, and were mentioned in the Domesday book, holding the barony of Dunham Massey near Lymm in Cheshire. The title became extinct, and the next record is of Peter Massey, born in Manchester in 1753, who had a haulage business. His son was Richard, who became a slate merchant, bringing slate from North Wales to Manchester. Richard had ten children, of whom nine survived, including Benjamin and Stephen, who went on the form B&S Massey.

Benjamin and Stephen decided they wanted to be mechanical engineers, and  were apprenticed to firms in Oldham, Salford and Hyde.

Their father then rented the canalside premises in Openshaw, from George Legh, local landowner, for £28 per year, about £3500 in 2020 values, and he funded the building of the factory. This was known originally as the Openshaw Canal Iron Works. This was in 1861. Steam hammers had been invented a few years earlier, and they decided to make these as their main product.

It was not a particularly good time to start a company, as the American civil war had disrupted the supply of cotton, and the mills around Manchester were idle. The book refers to the usual procession of wagons going up AOR from Manchester to Ashton and Stalybridge stopping, and the road being deserted.

But they survived, at times with loans from their family, and the first steam hammer was delivered in September 1862, and cost £160. The factory employed 20 staff at this time.

Slowly business started to grow, and Massey’s reputation for good products started to be known. They had a good export market, and won various medals at exhibitions. Things were tough in the1870s, though, as Germany and the USA, both large markets, adopted trade protectionist measures.

The Masseys were non-conformists, and always interested in the well being of their staff. An early example is an invitation to all staff “and a lady friend” to a social evening at Lees St schoolroom, attached to the Congregational church. They set up a workers’ profit sharing scheme in the 1880s, were the second company in England to adopt a 48 hour week (54 was the norm), in 1890 they started a benevolent fund, paid for by the workers with a contribution from the firm. This paid for absence due to illness, for medicines and so on. A workers’ canteen followed in 1902.  Altogether a very forward looking management style.

So this was Massey’s, a company  world renowned world renowned  for  its products, and a forward looking, benevolent management style. And I lived on top of it and knew nothing of this at all. Just a big, brick factory that I passed four times a day on my way to Elysian St and back.

The book ends in 1961, celebrating 100 years un business, and going strong at that time. What happened later, I don’t know. I do know they were still in business in Openshaw in the mid-sixties, when my parents moved, and I lost contact with the district. There is a company in Hyde, Massey Forgings, which sounds close enough to be what B&S Massey might have become, but I’m not sure.

I got this from a science museum group website:-

In June 1960 the great grandson of the founder joined B & S Massey Ltd. Christopher N. Massey became an assistant to the chief service engineer. In the following year the company became known as B & S Massey & Sons Limited and still carried on business as steam and power hammer manufacturers. Under the control of Keppel Massey, John H. Byam-Grounds and Cyril J. Gunton. In July 1975 a Special Resolution was proposed and it is recorded that B & S Massey & Sons Limited became a controlling interest of Head, Wrightson and Company Limited which was eventually acquired by the Davy Corporation then renamed Davy McKee until 1987 when Head Wrightson closed. The name of B & S Massey Limited continues however it is unclear as to what the company does.

 If anybody has any better knowledge of their recent history, please post comments below.



The worker in the photo on the right is Peter Etchells, Forge Master at Massey’s, and his assistant on his right is Bobby Cooke. They are operating the 10 Cwt hammer.

Information supplied by Frank Etchells and Irene Johnson.


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  1. My mother Irene, worked at Massey’s as S/hand typist, then secretary to KF Massey and the board, for over 25 years. KF Massey attended her funeral in 1984.

  2. I’m a Londoner but family come from Manchester. I use to stay with an aunt and uncle who lived in Ogden St, Openshaw. The house was a terraced cottage, had an outside toilet and I’ve also had the privilege of bathing in a tin bath in front of the fire in the living room. Also have memories B&S Massey (Masseys) hammers going day and night. My aunt and uncle were rehoused on a new estate in Knutsford. This would probably have been in the 1960s.

  3. Hi Derek,
    I did my apprenticeship in the fitting shop from 1965 -1971 at B&S Massey I lived in Gate St up from the factory, our house used to vibrate with the Hammers too.
    You brought back some great memories in your article there was some past names I recognized . The names I remember from those days are Big Len the foreman ,Tommy Ellor ,Dave Thursbrook Irvine Borrell ,Don’t ask me how or why I remember them as I am now 72 years old .
    I also still have the book Sons of the Forge .
    Thanks once again

    • Hi John just seen your posting about masseys and the name Irvine Borrell blimey that brought back memeories of yesteryear, He was an Inspector on the shop floor always wore a brown overall Happy Days

  4. G-Day Ian Nelson,
    My name is Keith Hindley and I worked at B & S Massey from 1961 to 1969. I moved to Australia in 1975 and in the move I lost my book “Sons of the Forge” in the move. If you do want to part with the one you have I would be very interested in getting it. My email is below. I have also added my web site as I do bird photography all over the Australian outback. http://www.twitcherscorner.com
    Keith Hindley

  5. Worked at B&S during later 60’s and like Ian Miller was bound at AEI before being transfer listed to Openshaw. No doubt Ian will remember me as he also taught my son at Openshaw Tech. Any one else know the big Kid with the motorbike?

    • Hello i worked for B S Massey from 1960 till 1966 in the fitting shop, Len Smith was in charge of the younger lads back then, Ray Fisher i recall on the shop floor Ray Kennedy
      billy durkin dave fossbrook tommy platt and many others.

  6. My dad and uncle worked at Massey’s Bob and Charlie Dutton may they rip..They once told me there was to many strikes which with other circumstances closed the factory for good if that’s correct?…My friend Ian Nelson his dad Ted worked there as well…

    • Not quite….

      The death knell for Massey’s in 1981 was the fact the parent company (Davy Loewy in Sheffield, aka Davy International) were closing all the smaller companies in the group (they acquired Massey’s because they bought out Head Wrightson). In 1981, Massey’s had a full order book – they had a huge order for forging presses from GKN for a plant in Germany which in all probability would have kept the factory going through the early 1980s recession.

      Sadly, the work went to Sheffield and the factory closed. I was apprenticed as a millwright at Openshaw, and have very fond memories of my (sadly) too brief time there. I actually completed my apprenticeship in Sheffield, only to be made redundant (again!) when I came out of my time!

  7. I was one of the ‘Bound Apprentices’ in the AEI Training School who were unable to complete their apprenticeship with AEI when taken over by GEC. I first worked in the Fitting Shop but after a few months as their first apprentice inspector (within the machine shop), transferred to the machine shop where I undertook module training H4 & H28 which enabled me to have both Skilled Miller & Skilled Horizontal Borer on my green card. My Uncle, Raymond Fisher was the Chief Inspector and he gave me a copy of ‘Sons of the Forge’ which is on my bookshelf and has a photo of him along with many others. I left school aged 15 and was able to complete both Craft & Technician courses at Openshaw Technical college where at the age of 22, I commenced employment as a Lecturer. I have many fond memories of those I worked with on the shop floor at B&S Massey. I was born in Connie St, Openshaw in 1952 and it was taken into the fitting shop by my uncle as a very young child and remember being asked to speak to someone on a telephone – the first I had ever seen!

    • Ian

      I remember you well from when I was a Massey apprentice on first year training at Openshaw Tech (1979-1980). Do you still keep bees? I helped you out a couple of times when you were making your ‘patent’ honey extractor…

    • Ian

      I remember you very well from my time as a Massey apprentice on first year training at Openshaw Tech (along with your colleagues Colin Grimshaw, John Daly, Les Hark, Tony Southern, Doug Turner…the list goes on!).

      Do you still keep bees? I helped you a couple of times when you were building your patent honey extractor.

  8. My dad worked for Massey’s in the 70s. He was involved in development work of rotary forging. I have a stack of stuff from his time there including a Sons of the Forge book. If anyone would like this please get in touch.

  9. I worked for Mosston engineering co ltd in Addition Under Lyne when I left school in 1989. The owner and most of the employees worked at B and S Masseys until they closed in the early eighties. Most of my apprenticeship was working on these hammers. My boss eventually bought the rights to the massey name and we moved over (from Sheffield) all the remaining things connected to the company (around year 2000) over to Hyde(Adamsons industrial estate) it has recently burnt down. I still keep in contact with my old boss and his son on the odd occasion.

    • Paul,
      There is a Massey Engineering in Hyde–is this the company that Moston Engineering bought? They appear to supply parts for Massey hammers, so it’s likely, I think.

      • They Massey Forging you refer to was a company that was set up by Alastair Nicholson (now run by Alastair and his son John). Alastair was (if memory serves) the Chief Accountant when Masseys were closed by Davy’s.

  10. My grandfather was a foreman at Massey’s in the 1940s. His name was Reginald Neilson

  11. My father worked there in the late forties early 50s I have been told there was a picture in history books about B & S Massey and one of their pictures of the first forging hammer was in it. Could the picture of the man with his back to the camera be that of my father, Joseph Duffy?

  12. Hi
    I used to go out with a girl Maureen Barlow
    Who lived at 311 South St the house used to shake when the Massey steam hammers got going together
    text 07754159590 joe

  13. Keith,
    Easier to say what I don’t specialise in; I don’t do portraits, and I don’t do nature.
    You’ll find me at derekphilpott.co.uk, but be quick, I’m not sure how long I’m going to maintain the site.
    I really liked your nature shots, I don’t have the patience for them, I’m afraid. I seldom go on photoshoots, my photography tends to happen as a part of some other activity. Maybe I should change that.
    Best regards

  14. Derek
    Thank you for looking all that up for me I really appreciate it. I will contact the National Library of Australia and buy it. I love the photos on the Photo Club web site. Do you specialize in a particular subject? Thank you once again.

  15. Keith
    Many thanks for your kind comments.
    I found th ebook online, and looking again today I got one available on Amazon for £61, someone trying it on, but in the reviews section there was this
    I have a copy of this if anyone is interested e mail thomashackett@btinternet.com
    dated 2017, but worth a try.
    I also found a reference in the National Library of Australia, two copies, available to buy or borrow
    We share an interest in photography, I’m a member of Dorchester Camera club

    Good luck with your book hunt.


  16. My dad Patrick Maguire worked there in the 70’s. I think he worked a gantry crane.

  17. What a fantastic history Derek. I am Keith Hindley and worked at B & S Massey from 1961 to 1969. I started in the Maintenance department but after a few years Mr Ken Hodkindon the worked engineer asked me to take the job of plant Draftsman which was a massif increase in wages for me. Derek I was in touch with a guy from Openshaw Memory’s and he was trying to get the book about B & S Massey’s for me but he never got back.I did have my own copy which was given to me by Masseys when I started there in !961 but I moved to Australia in 1975 and I must have lost it and would have loved to get another but I don’t know where from. I now live in Melbourne Australia and spend my retirement doing bird photography. I drive the outback in my Toyota Land Crouser and enjoy the wonders of the Outback. My website should you wish to see some of my photos is http://www.twitcherscorner.com Its great to be able to get this sort of information and I thank you all. Regards Keith Hindley. my email address is keith.hindley@bigpond.com

    • Ken Hodkinson was my boss when I worked at Masseys – he was the Works Engineer (a position his father held before him). The book you mention (‘Sons of the Forge’) can still be found on Amazon or Abebooks, but typically they fetch £25 – £50 these days.


    • Colinfawcett i worked at ESC along with my dad until it closed i have been trying to get hold of a photo that appeared in the local paper the last day of the 28 inch rolling mill both me and my dad were on it please let me know if you are aware of any one who as a copy thanks Steve ..

  19. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I was 6 when our family moved from Whitworth street to Louisa St in 1966. My father worked for B&S Massey up until his death in 1975 aged 47. He also passed away in his work place too. I’m not sure when the factory closed as I was only a young girl at the time of my father’s death.
    It would be very interesting to read more about this.

  20. It is a small world! I passed the building every day on my way to English Steel, further up the road to Manchester from 1968-1978 travelling from Ashton when I started at the steel as a junior clerk. I have fond memories of Keith Heatley’s dad – who you mentioned in your piece – who worked on the 20cwt hammer when I knew him.

    • Sadly, they only part of the original factory that still exists is part of the wall that borders Ashton Old Road – that would have been the outside wall of bay 1 of the machine shop. The ‘new’ office block (built in the late 1960s/early 1970s) further down Victoria Street is still there, but has been converted into flats I believe.

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